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Hon. Derrick Manu'ari

Member of Parliament
West Makira, Makira/Ulawa
Eleventh Parliament
Hon. Derrick Manu'ari

Contact Address:    

Ministry of Justice & Legal Affairs P.O.Box 404 Honiara. Solomon Islands Phone: +677 28417/28422 Fax: +677 28424

Parliamentary Appointments

  • Elected to the National Parliament of Solomon Islands for West Makira Constituency on the 19th November 2014.

Party Affiliation

  • Solomon Islands People First Party

Committee Appointments

  • Chairman of Parliamentary House Committee from 22nd December 2014 to 17th November 2017.
  • Member - Public Accounts Committee from 22nd December 2014 to 17th November 2017.
  • Member - Constitutional Review Committee from 22nd December 2014 to 17th November 2017.

Ministerial Appointments

  • Minister of Justice & Legal Affairs from 17th November 2017 to date


  • Master of Public Policy


  • Victoria University of Wellington, 2009 - 2011
  • University of the South Pacific, 2001 - 2003
  • Solomon Islands College of Higher Education, 1999 - 2000
  • Waimapuru National Secondary, 1993 - 1998
  • Toroiwango Primary School, 1987 - 1992

Occupation before entering Parliament

  • Under Secretary responsible for RAMSI (Office of the Prime Minister & Cabinet), 2011 - 2012.
  • Parliamentary Committee Secretary and Research Officer, National Parliament Office, June 2007 - December 2008.
  • Graduate Trainee, Parliamentary Strengthening Project-National Parliament Office, April 2006 - June 2007.
  • Public Relations and Information Officer, August 2005 - April 2006
  • Short-Term Project Officer

Seminars and Conferences Attended

  • Solomon Islands Government - RAMSI Joint Dialogue on the future Partnership Framework, Honiara May 2012
  • Inaugural Pacific Islands Public Policy Discussions, University of the South Pacific, Honiara Center July 2012
  • Resilience in the Pacific Islands (Institute Of Policy Studies), Wellington, New Zealand, February 2011
  • Study Tour to observe Victoria State Elections, Melbourne, Australia, November 2010
  • New Professional Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, August 2010
  • Rapporteur, Women, Land and Development on Bougainville: New Zealand Track II Dialogue (Center for Strategic Studies and Pacific Cooperation Foundation) June, 2010
  • Fifth International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy, Wellington, New Zealand, November 2009
  • Australia and New Zealand Association of Clerks-at-the-Table, Professional Development Seminar, Hobart, Tasmania, 2008
  • Project Management Workshop, UNDP Honiara, 2008.
  • Commonwealth Secretariat Symposium on effectiveness of Commonwealth's aid to Solomon Islands, Honiara 2008.
  • Attachment at the Parliamentary Committee Office, New Zealand House of Representatives, Wellington, New Zealand 2007.
  • 9th Biennial Conference of the Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific (APLAP) Wellington, New Zealand 2007.
  • Conference on 'Executive Power and the Battle for Parliamentary Confidence in the Pacific Islands', USP Emalus Campus, Port Vila, Vanuatu 2007.
  • La Trobe University, Public Sector Governance and Accountability and Research Center,Summer School, on "Strengthening parliament: parliamentary financial security, 2007.
  • Law via the Internet Conference 2005, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


  • Year of birth: 1979 
  • Village/ Home Island: Wango, Arosi 1 Makira