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The National Parliament of Solomon and UNDP hosted a week of budget analysis at the National Parliament Office last week which concluded this week on Tuesday, 19th November. UNDP has supported parliamentary activities across the world and the pacific by ensuring that good governance and legislative oversight are done in parliamentary democracy.

Mr. Heston Rence from the Committees Secretariat office of the National Parliament headed the Floating Budget Mission here in Honiara last week with the support of UNDP, a parliamentary specialist and four researchers from other parliaments in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga that came to assist the Parliament team develop an independent analysis of the 2020 National Budget.

The parliamentary team including the regional researchers successfully put together an analysis within a short period of time to deliver to the Members of Parliament and also to the Public Accounts Committee. The program was officially closed last Friday with a Budget overview presentation to the Civil Society Organization. A second presentation for Members of Parliament was also held after the adjournment of Parliament on the 18th November.

The National Parliament Office is grateful to UNDP and other Pacific parliamentary researchers who provided support on improving parliamentary areas of oversight and also assisting through availing information that would benefit parliament members in making decision with regards to the national budget.