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The Speaker of Parliament Hon Patteson Oti met with His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles on Monday 25 November at Parliament House.

The meeting took place in the Speaker’s Lounge where the Speaker and the Prince of Wales discussed various issues including the role of Parliament in overseeing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). His Royal Highness acknowledged the unique biodiversity and natural resources that the Solomon Islands possesses and highlighted the potential for bio based goods.

His Royal Highness and the Speaker also briefly discussed the challenges faced by small legislatures in monitoring government policy, with the Speaker emphasizing the need for Parliamentary Committees to broaden their mandates.

The meeting concluded with an exchange of gifts in which the Speaker - Hon Patteson Oti presented His Royal Highness with a “Hatu” - a traditional war club from the Rennell & Bellona Province. The war club resembles the Parliamentary mace which symbolizes the Speaker’s authority in the chamber.

Following the meeting the Prince of Wales and the Speaker were escorted to the chamber for the address to Parliament by His Royal Highness.